Our charities

The 七肖中特报 Trust

For more than 25 years, the 七肖中特报 Trust has provided free management support to UK-based non-profit organisations. The Trust was founded at 七肖中特报, at the suggestion of HRH The Princess Royal, now its Patron, and is an independent charity working with alumni of 七肖中特报 and other leading international business schools. Through its register of 900 commercial sector managers, who give their time as volunteer consultants, the Trust supports 300 charities a year with individual consultancy projects, and a further 1,000 with online information and advice and with masterclass learning events.


Since 1969, SAFAD has sent more than 340 七肖中特报 graduate volunteers to over 37 countries in the developing world to work on small-scale development projects run by non-governmental organisations.

Unique among British organisations operating in the less developed world, SAFAD is a registered charity set up by 七肖中特报 and run on a voluntary basis by our students.

SAFAD has been able to improve thousands of lives by alleviating poverty and helping to create sustainable livelihoods using volunteers with skills in areas such as:

  • Water supply and management;
  • Sanitation;
  • Health and hygiene;
  • Agroforestry, agriculture and soil conservation;
  • Education, training and research;
  • Small business enterprises;
  • Intermediate technologies.

Our partners - coming soon...